
Dr. CHAN Kin Wing Kevin

  • 語言類型學 Linguistic typology
  • 歷史語言學 Historical linguistics
  • 漢語方言學 Chinese dialectology
  • 粵語語言學 Cantonese linguistics
  • 句法學 Syntax
  • 漢語作為二語教學 Teaching Chinese as a second language


Prof. CHEN Yun Feng 

  • 中國古代文學理論 Chinese Classical Literary Theory
  • 《文心雕龍》Wen Xin Diao Long
  • 唐代文學 Literature of the Tang Dynasty 


Dr. CHEUNG Hei Yee Anthea

  • 中國古代思想史(先秦至魏晉) Ancient Chinese Intellectual History (between Pre-Qin and Wei-Jin period)
  • 《莊子》研究 Zhuangzi Studies
  • 郭象研究 Guo Xiang Studies
  • 先秦出土文獻 Unearthed Pre-Qin Texts
  • 淨土宗佛經翻譯 Pure Land Sutras Translating
  • 古籍英譯 Translation for Ancient Chinese Works
  • 翻譯理論 Translation Studies


Dr. Chow Kwok Leung

  • 宋明理學 Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties
  • 當代新儒學 Contemporary Neo – Confucianism
  • 《易經》 Yi Jing
  • 詮釋學 Hermeneutics
  • 符號學 Semiotics
  • 敘事學 Narratology
  • 結構主義及解構主義 Structuralism & Deconstruction


Prof. FU Cheng zhou  

  • 中國古代小說 Classical Novels of China
  • 宋元明清文學 Literature of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties 


Dr. HO Cheung Wing

  • 古典詩歌 Classical Chinese Poems
  • 詞 Ci
  • 《詩經》 Shi Jing
  • 《楚辭》 Chu Ci
  • 賦 Fu
  • 駢文 Pian Wen

Dr. Ho Ka Chun
  • 台灣文學 Taiwan Literature
  • 現當代中文文學 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • 中文科幻小說 Chinese Science Fiction
  • 跨文化研究 Transcultural Studies


Dr. HUI Kin Yip

  • 文學批評 Literary Criticism
  • 明清詩學 Poetic of Ming and Qing Dynasty
  • 明清詩文 Poem and Prose of Ming and Qing Dynasty
  • 明清小說及其批評 Fiction and its Criticism of Ming and Qing Dynasty
  • 書籍史與閱讀史 History of Book and History of Reading
  • 東亞漢籍與出版 East Asia Chinese Classics and Publishing


Dr. NG Chi Lim 

  • 清代詞學 Qing Ci
  • 清初詩文 Early Qing poetry


Dr. NG Kwan Kwan

  • 唐宋文學 Literature of the Tang and Song Dynastie
  • 古典詩歌 Classical Chinese Poems
  • 中國古代小說 Classical Novels of China
  • 杜甫研究 Du Fu Studies


Dr. SUEN Hoi Yan

  • 先秦兩漢散文 Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties Prose
  • 《文心雕龍》神理思想 The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons in “SHEN LI” ideology 
  • 唐宋詩論 Commentary on Tang and Song poetry
  • 清代小說戲劇批評 Commentary on Qing Dynasty fiction and drama


Dr. WANG Li 

  • 經學文獻 (《尚書》)Chinese Classics Texts (Shang Shu)
  • 古典文獻學與小學Classical Chinese Philology
  • 清代學術Qing Dynasty Academic


Prof. WANG Ping

  • 中國文字學Chinese philology
  • 漢字文化學Chinese character culturology
  • 漢字發展史History of Chinese writing
  • 跨文化漢字學Intercultural Chinese philology
  • 數據庫漢字學Database Chinese philology
  • 漢字與亞洲文明Chinese characters and Asian civilization


Dr. WEI Yang 

  • 語音學 Phonetics
  • 漢語方言學 Chinese Dialectology
  • 演化音法學 Evolutionary Phonology
  • 國際中文教育 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language


Dr. WONG Ka Ki

  • 香港文學 Hong Kong Literature
  • 現當代中文文學 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • 中國現當代女性文學 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Women’s Literature
  • 二十世紀西方文學理論 Western Literary Theory in the Twentieth Century
  • 報刊研究 Periodicals Study


Dr. WONG Kwan Leung 

  • 戰國出土文獻 Unearthed Manuscripts in the Warring State Period 
  • 先秦、兩漢思想、文化 Thoughts and Culture in the Pre-Qin Period and the Han Dynasty
  • 先秦儒學 Confucianism in the Pre-Qin Period
  • 情感研究 Emotion Study
  • 中國古典小說 Classical Novels of China


Prof. YANG Ruowei 

  • 應用語言學 Applied Linguistics
  • 社會語言學 Sociolinguistics
  • 漢語作為二語教學 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
  • 漢語語言學 Chinese Linguistics
  • 中國語文教育 Chinese Language Education
  • 中古漢語演變 Development of Chinese Language (after Tang)
  • 北方民族歷史、語言及文化 History and culture of Khitan and Jurchen


Dr. YANG Yike

  • 語言習得 Language Acquisition
  • 言語科學 Speech Science
  • 語言教學 Language Teaching
  • 語料庫語言學 Corpus Linguistics
  • 心理語言學Psycholinguistics
  • 語言本體論Linguistic Ontology
  • 跨文化語用學Intercultural Pragmatics
Dr. LEE Shu Kam
  • Economic Modeling
  • Business, Economic, Social and Public Policy Issues 

Dr. Lee Tin Yun, Philip

  • Financial Technology
Prof. LI Sung Ko
  • Microeconomics
  • Mathematical Economics
  • Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
Dr. LI Yi Man Rita 
  • Real Estate Economics and Finance
  • Sustainable Development 
  • Applied artificial intelligence
Prof. SO Wai Man Raymond
  • ESG and Green Finance
  • Financial Econometrics
  • Real Estate Finance
  • Financial Regulation
Dr. TANG Chi Ho, Edward
  • Real Estate Economics and Finance 

Dr. TSANG Chun Kei, Thomas

  • Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
  • Development Economics
Dr. WOO Kai Yin 
  • Applied Econometrics
Dr. Yeung Wai Man, Raymond
  • Chinese Economic Area (CEA)
  • Global Political Economy
  • Monetary Economics
  • Urban Economics 
Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas
  • Happiness Economics
Dr. Rebekah BALE
  • Shakespearean Studies
  • Contemporary fiction
  • Adaptation studies
  • Post-colonial fiction
Dr. Kacey LIU
  • Translation Criticism
  • Gender–based Translation studies
  • Study of Translation History from Gender Perspectives
  • Gender Studies
Dr. Michelle CHAN
  • Children’s Literature
  • Victorian Literature
  • Studies of Fantasy
Dr. WONG Man Ho Ivy
  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Usage-based Approaches to Language Learning
  • Computer-assisted Grammar Instruction
Dr. ZENG Huiheng Winnie
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Critical Metaphor Analysis
  • Political Communication
  • Health Communication
  • Language and Gender

Dr. WAN Yau-ni Jenny 

  • Professional Discourse Analysis
  • Language of Mass and Social Media
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Business Communication
Dr. AU Chi Kin
  • Modern Chinese Intellectual History
  • History of Hong Kong since 1949
Dr. CHAU Chi Fung
  • Urban History of Modern China
  • History of Hong Kong
  • Economic History of China
Prof. HE Qiliang
  • Modern Chinese History
  • Urban History
  • Chinese Cultural History
  • East Asian History
  • American History
  • World History Gender History
Prof. HU Yao Su
  • Globalization and corporate nationality
  • Contemporary China research
  • China economic liberalization
  • Transformation of social structure
  • Asian crisis and EU’s global responsibilities
  • Impact of returns on knowledge and big data
Dr. LO Wing Sang
  • Medieval China
  • History of Chinese Political Institutions
  • Cultural Contact between Chinese and Non-Chinese Civilization
  • Silk Road Studies 
Dr. PANG Suk Man, Agnes
  • History of Christianity in China
  • History of Modern China
  • History of Hong Kong
  • History of Modern Asia

Dr. Mao Sheng Shawn

  • Cold War and International Relations
  • History of PRC
  • Environmental History of China
  • Oral History and Digital Humanities
Dr. CHAN Chui Yi
  • Psychometrics
  • Women’s Health
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Behavior Addiction and Health Psychology
  • Child Development and Family Relationship
  • Mental Health of Adolescents and College Students
Dr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen 
  • Assessments of Counseling Interventions
  • Career Counseling and Development
  • Cross Cultural Counseling
  • Industrial-Organization Psychology 
Dr. CHOW Tak Sang, Jason
  • Self-control and Motivation
  • Technology and Well-being
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Personality and Interpersonal Relationship
Dr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick
  • Psychoanalysis and Neuropsychoanalysis
  • Psychotherapy and Counselling
  • Abnormal Psychology and Psychopathology
  • Schizophrenia and Psychosis
  • Systems theory, the Free energy principle (FEP) and predictive coding
  • Computational approaches to psychodynamic processes
  • Child development and Trauma

Dr. DOS SANTOS, Luis Miguel 

  • Career decisions
  • Decision-making processes
  • Diaspora (Chinese and Korean)
  • Discrimination and bias in education
  • Foreign language teaching and learning
  • International student and faculty member
  • Immigration
  • Motivation of learning
  • School human resources management and training
  • Second career-changing teachers
  • Self-efficacy
  • Social cognitive learning
  • Stress and burnout
  • Teacher’s professional development
  • Turnover and retention 
Dr. FU Wai
  • History of Psychology
  • Lacanian Psychoanalysis
  • Gambling Prevention
  • Qualitative Research (Critical Psychology)


  • School Counselling
  • Wellbeing in Schools
Dr. LAI, Ching-han Lufanna
  • Psychology of religion
  • Quality of life, Subjective wellbeing, Cross-cultural differences in subjective wellbeing
Dr. LAM Yin-hung Bess
  • Neural and Psychosocial Mechanism of Social Cognition
  • Antisocial Behavior
  • Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo
  • Health Psychology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Psycho Oncology
  • End-of-life Care
Dr. LAU Kam Lun Edmond
  • Police Psychology
  • Criminal Behaviours
  • Positive Psychology
  • Community Mental Health
Dr. LEUNG,Mei-kei Miki
  • Compassion and Mindfulness
  • Consciousness
  • Mental Health and Resilience
  • Strength-Based Intervention
  • Self-Other Distinction and Connection
  • Disorders of Social Cognition including Autism, Depression and Schizophrenia
  • Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Dr. LI Wang On, Alex
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Emotion and Cognition
  • Vision Science 
Dr. LO Lap Yan
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology

Dr. NGAI, Tsz-kin Joe

  • Animal Assisted Intervention
  • Human-Animal Interaction
  • One Health
  • Humane Education
  • Child Education
  • Positive Psychology
  • Cyberpsychology
  • Gamification
Prof. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine
  • Chinese Psychology
  • Chinese Psychotherapy
  • Early Intervention in SEN Children
  • Taoist and Buddhist Psychotherapy
Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine
  • Behavior Addiction and Health Psychology
  • Life Adversity and Trauma Psychology
  • Women’s Health & Violence Against Women
  • Family Violence
  • Psychological Intervention Outcome

Dr. WANG, Yi-Zhou Joe

  • Mental Wellbeing of People with Mental Disorders and Their Family Caregivers
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Sandplay Therapy
  • Information & Communication Technology in Mental Health
Prof. YU Kai Ching, Calvin 
  • Clinical Studies
  • Development of Psychological Assessment 
  • Electroencephalographic (EEG) Studies
  • Consciousness, Sleep and Dreaming
Dr. YUEN Wing Yan Winnie
  • Positive Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Recovery-focused Mental Health Services
  • Strength-based Intervention
Dr. ZHOU Dehui, Ruth
  • Metaphor Cognition and Application
  • Time Perception
  • Cognition of Children with Autism
  • Mental Health 
Prof. CHAN Ching Selina
  • Family, Kinship and Lineage
  • Colonialism and Identities
  • Religion and Tourism
  • Cultural Heritage and Collective Memories 
Prof. CHEUNG Siu Keung 
  • Hong Kong Studies
  • Ethnographic Research
  • Community Studies
  • Minority Politics
Prof. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah
  • Medical Sociology
  • Crime and Deviance
  • Social Problems
  • Drug Abuse and Drug Policy
Dr. GAO Chong
  • Economic Sociology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economic Reform in South China
  • Food and Society 
Dr. HUANG Weishan
  • Social and Religious Movements
  • Ethnicity and Migration
  • Urban Gentrification and Social Capitals
  • Religion and Globalization
Dr. HUI Yew-Foong
  • Chinese Diaspora and Migration
  • Multiculturalism and Ethnic Politics
  • Heritage Politics
  • Religion and Social Differentiation
Dr. LAM, Gigi
  • Marriage and Fertility
  • Mortality
  • Population Policy
  • Mental Health Policy
Dr. LAU Pui Yan Flora 
  • Social Network
  • Ethnic Minorities and Forced Migration
  • Labour Market and Employment
  • Gender 
Dr. LI Hang
  • Environmental Sociology
  • Social Movements
  • Youth Studies
  • Drug Abuse
Dr. LIU Shuo
  • Social Stratification in China
  • Urban Sociology
  • Economic Sociology
  • Consumptions
Dr. Mak Sau-Wa Veronica
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Anthropology of Food
  • Media and Consumption
  • Family and Childhood
Dr. MAN Pui-Kwan
  • Crime and Deviance
  • Addictive Behaviors
  • Social Problems
  • Entrepreneurship
Dr. NG, Ni Na Camellia
  • Chinese Art History
  • Collecting and Collection
  • Cross-culture Studies
  • Museum Studies
Dr. TSANG Chung-Kin
  • Cultural Sociology
  • Housing Studies
  • Urban Studies
  • Popular Culture and Media Studies
Dr. XIE Jieyi
  • Critical Heritage Studies
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Chinese Anthropology
  • Collective Memories